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AIDRom and its project partner, DGASMB, awarded at the PARTNERSHIP GALA

AIDrom and the General Department of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest were awarded at the PARTNERSHIP GALA for a Social and Solidarity Bucharest

The partnership concluded as a result of the project “EoM – Communities of solidarity and inclusion for migrants in Romania”, between the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom and the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Bucharest (DGASMB), won yesterday, 19 September 2023, 2nd place in the section “LPA-NGO partnerships in other areas relevant to the development of the Municipality of Bucharest”. at the NGO-LPA PARTNERSHIP GALA for a Social and Solidarity Bucharest. We are honored and happy to receive the award because it is a recognition of our joint efforts to help refugees and asylum seekers..

Our partnership is about solidarity, collaboration and community support. Together with DGASMB we have been supporting migrants and asylum seekers from third countries such as Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, Uganda, Cameroon, etc. From 2021 until now, we have helped more than 15 people every two weeks with food parcels and hygiene items. Together we managed to create models of cooperation on the local level, to put migration and integration on the local agenda long before the war in Ukraine started, and to address issues such as gender equality, human rights, and equal opportunities in our local strategies.

The submissions were assessed and ranked by experts from the social, community development, circular economy, environmental, academic, and media fields.

Congratulations and thanks to the organizers Ateliere Fara Frontiere (București social și solidar), Sector 3 City Hall, Bucharest City Hall.

We found in the people of DGASMB true partners, who empathized with us towards mothers with children fleeing the war in Syria, when no one was talking about refugees and offering support to such vulnerable people. But professionals from DGASMB and AIDROM understood that solidarity and involvement can change lives and create a profound impact in the community. We are proud that this partnership, initiated in 2021 and continuing today, has pioneered migrant issues and is now recognized with this award at the PARTNERSHIP GALA”, said Mrs. Elena Timofticiuc, Executive Secretary AIDROM.

”The partnership with AIDROM has brought to the fore the topic of migration, which will increasingly become important due to geo-political and economic developments in many parts of the world and climate change. In 3-5 years, also in Romania, we will face the integration difficulties that Western European countries have already been experiencing for years. Through this partnership, we have been able to better understand the challenges and anticipate strategic needs in order to better respond to this complex problem”, a highlighted Mrs. Cosmina Simean, General Director DGASMB.

Thanks to the journalists who covered our press release and our success:





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EoM - Closing the Program - Brochure with the main results

Main results of the Project “Eyes on Migrants (EoM) – Solidar and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania”

After 24 months, the project “Eyes on Migrants (EoM) – Solidar and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania”, implemented by AIDRom – Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania together with its partners, Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, Prefect’s Institution of Caras-Severin County, Prefect’s Institution of Timis County, has come to an end.

The project promoted active involvement in migration and refugee issues, encouraging an attitude of acceptance, solidarity and tolerance in the protection of human rights and equal treatment of immigrants, especially asylum seekers and refugees. The activities carried out involved working with local communities and running information and awareness-raising campaigns aimed at children and young people and is designed to dismantle prejudices about immigration and improve the integration process of immigrants in Romania.

You can find out more about the results of the project by reading this BROCHURE prepared by our partners in the project, Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development.

We thank to the AIDRom team, to our partners, to the project donors and to the institutions that supported us to achieve the results planned in the project!!

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EoM - Closing Conference

Closing Conference of the “EoM – Solidarity and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania” project

The Closing Conference of the “EoM – Solidarity and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania” project will take place in Bucharest on April 3, 2023.

Specific information about the activities carried out and about the monitored indicators will be presented by the representatives of the partners within the project: Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, Novapolis Association – Center for Analyzes and Initiatives for Development, Timiș County Prefect’s Institution, Caraș-Severin County Prefect’s Institution. The conference will also be an opportunity for dialogue between guests and representatives of public authorities, civil society, international organizations, the Foundation for the Development of Civil Society (FDSC), and financiers and project partners.

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Infotainment - Faculty of Geography Bucharest

About migration and refugees, with the students of the Faculty of Geography from Bucharest

So far I have learned about the war from books and movies, but it was a much more moving experience to learn directly from them their story and what they experienced. It was 1000 times more interesting to hear them, to see their expressions, their facial expressions. The book only gives you the opportunity to imagine, while in this way you realize what traumas these people go through and how much they have to do (learn the language, etc.) and how they are forced to adapt to a new society“, said Carmen F. , a participant in the event organized by AIDRom at the Faculty of Geography on March 15, 2023.

During the public information event on migration held in infotainment format, the 50 students and teachers of the Faculty of Geography, together with AIDRom representatives and the 6 guests, Ukrainian migrants, addressed general topics regarding migration, but also the current topic of Ukrainians fleeing the war and taking refuge in Romania. Migrants shared some of their experiences over the past year, and students intervened with questions.

For young people to accept a phenomenon like migration, they first need to understand it. This is why we organize these information and awareness sessions with pupils and students, during which we bring them new and authentic information, we expose them to real situations with the help of our guests, migrants, and refugees“, said Dana Gavril, representative of AIDRom and speaker within the event.

Expressing their concern for their future and that of their children, the migrants helped the students to understand not only the big picture, but also the daily details of their lives: from the difficulty of communicating with the authorities caused by the language barrier, to the difficulties in finding shelter or providing medical care.

I’ve heard Ukrainian refugees talk about the experience on the internet before but this was the first time I was able to interact directly with them and ask questions. I didn’t know that refugees have to cut all ties with their country of origin and cannot return there when they receive refugee status. I didn’t think it was so difficult for them to find a job if they don’t speak Romanian” (Rareș B., student).

The event is part of a series of events organized within the project “EoM – Solidary and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania”, carried out by the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, in partnership with the Novapolis Association – Center for Analyzes and Initiatives for Development, with the Institution of the Prefect of Caraș-Severin County, with the Institution of the Prefect of Timiș County, with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund Romania.

The project is financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, through EEA Grants 2014-2021. The duration of the project is 24 months, it will be implemented between April 2021 and April 2023. The purpose of the project is to promote active, multidimensional, and multi-sectoral involvement and an attitude of acceptance, solidarity, and tolerance in protecting human rights and the equal treatment of immigrants, especially asylum seekers, and refugees, by working both at the level of local communities and through information and awareness campaigns on immigration among children and young people in educational institutions in communities with more migrants.

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EOM - Infotainment Event in Bucharest

Youth information session on immigrants and refugees organized by AIDRom in Bucharest

AIDRom is organising on Tuesday, 15 March 2023, at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest, the public information event for young people about immigrants and refugees on topics concerning human rights, gender equality and gender-based violence, stereotypes about immigrants and refugees. The event is included in the project ”EoM – Supportive and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania”. Find out more details in the Press Release which can be accessed here.

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EOM - Infotainment Rădăuți

High school students from Rădăuți learned from migrants about immigration and about supportive and inclusive communities

”The activity I enjoyed participating in helped me to understand certain things. I had a great experience, being impressed by the stories and experiences of immigrants. I felt their courage, fear and optimism, and I hope that NGOs will continue to support and help them in their development and adaptation in our country”, said Ana Marciuc, student participant at the event on migration, organized by AIDRom, on 7 March 2023, at the Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College, Rădăuți.

The public infotainment event, attended by 46 high school students, teachers from the College, migrants from Afghanistan, Egypt and Ukraine, Father Ilie Sfirniciuc, Mrs. Mihaela Breaban and representatives of AIDRom, is part of a series of events organized within the project “EoM – Supportive and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania”, run by the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, in partnership with the Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, cu the Prefect’s Office of Caras-Severin County, cu and the Prefect’s Office of Timis County, with the financial support ofActive Citizens Fund România.

Participants had the opportunity to learn new information to understand and accept migration. The event was opened by Ionuț Zota, who gave details about AIDRom’s actions, highlighting specific aspects of the project ”EoM – EoM – Supportive and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania”.

Bianca Marginean and Mihaela Breaban presented general concepts about migration and pointed out the difficulties a migrant has when arriving in a new country and how they can be helped.

The main focus of the event, however, was an open dialogue between the migrant guests, who told their stories, and the students who were very curious and eager to find out how long it took them to learn Romanian, to settle here, what constraints they had in their country and what made them leave?

The success of the event made the participants share their opinions at the end, such as::

I tell you that I was very happy to have the opportunity to be there to talk about the journey I had from my home country to here. I liked that the students were open and the questions they asked were useful to better understand what a migrant goes through. I am glad that they wanted to know a lot about migrants, refugees coming to Romania.”, Aqazada sayed Jawad refugee from Afghanistan.

Following the activity I attended on 7 March 2023, I was pleasantly impressed by this Association and the fact that it helps so many people. The fact that some migrants also spoke to us so beautifully and warmly about what happens to those who are immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers made me smile in turn and believe that there is still hope”, said Alessia Lavric, student of the Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College, Rădăuți.

The next event of this type will take place in Bucharest, on March 15, 2023 at the Faculty of Geography of the University of Bucharest.

The programme is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the SEE 2014-2021 Grants. The length of the project is 24 months, to be implemented between April 2021 and April 2023.The aim of the project is to promote active, multi-dimensional and multi-sectoral involvement and an attitude of acceptance, solidarity and tolerance in the protection of human rights and equal treatment of immigrants, especially asylum seekers and refugees, by working together both at the level of local communities and through information and awareness campaigns on immigration among children and young people from schools in communities with more migrants.

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EOM - Infotainment Rădăuți

Informative session for young people about immigrants and refugees, organized by AIDRom in Rădăuți

AIDRom organizes a public awareness-raising event for young people about immigrants and refugees at the Eudoxiu Hurmuzachi National College in Rădăuți, on Tuesday, 7 March 2023. The event is part of the project “EoM – Solidarity and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romania”. Find out more details in the Press Release which can be accessed here.

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1 YEAR Street Billboard Campaign

AIDRom’s campaign to raise the visibility of the Ukrainian refugee issue reaches the streets of Bucharest

More than 3.5 million Ukrainian refugees have already transited Romania, of which more than 110,000, mostly women with children, have remained in our country and need to be helped to integrate. AIDRom has been providing aid since the early days of the war, providing food, hygiene products and vouchers, legal, psychological and job counselling, facilitating access to health services, Romanian language courses and financial aid for schooling. This support is possible with the help of projects funded by partners such as precum ACT Alliance, Brot für die Welt, Kirchen Helfen Kirchen, EOM, IOM UN Migration and the authorities who have supported us in our endeavour throughout 2022.

The issue of Ukrainian refugees must continue to be in the focus of Romanian society, which is supported by the AIDRom campaign marking 1 year since the outbreak of the war, running in digital media and street billboards in Bucharest.

Thank you to everyone involved!

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1 Year of War. 1 Year of help and hope. Event, 24th of Feburary 2023

AIDRom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania marked with Ukrainian refugees “1 Year of War in Ukraine. 1 Year of Help and Hope”

AIDRom employees and volunteers remembered the emotional moments when aid gave a little relief to those thousands of people who fled the war with a commemorative event “1 Year of War in Ukraine. 1 Year of Help and Hope”, which took place today, 24 February at the Cașin Monastery in Bucharest. The event thus marked one year since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, but also one of the largest humanitarian responses in contemporary history, in which the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania (AIDRom) has been involved since the beginning, assisting around 30,000 Ukrainian refugees.

The event was attended by Ukrainian refugees, AIDRom staff and volunteers, representatives of institutions and partners, the French Embassy, as well as His Excellency, the Ambassador of Ukraine in Bucharest, Mr. Ihor Prokopchuk, who pointed out:

 ”The past year of a year of exemplary stoicism and courage of the Ukrainian defense forces and the whole Ukrainian nation. The past year also showed unity with Ukraine of the international community, of Romanian and other countries (…). We have strong conviction that we will be able to have victory in this unjust war against Ukraine. I take this opportunity to thank the Romanian people who warmly received Ukrainians who were forced to flee the war, from the first days, from the first hours. They found warm here, they found hospitality, they found comfort. And this is a lot. The war is continuing, and it will be necessary to continue to struggle for justice and for peace. Staying together, we can do that”.

As part of the event ”1 Year of War in Ukraine. 1 Year of Help and Hope”, a mass was celebrated in Romanian and Ukrainian, followed by a short concert in honor of those who are fighting for their country, performed by the Ukrainian Refugee Children’s Choir, aged between 4 and 14, prepared by the AIDRom team. The event ended with a moment of silence in memory of those killed in the war, followed by a show of solidarity in front of the Church, where participants received balloons in the colors of the Ukrainian flag.

”Today, on the one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, when, sadly, there is no end in sight to the fighting or to the suffering of the millions who have fled the war, we all prayed for peace. With the help of donors who supported projects for tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees, such as ACT Alliance, Brot für die Welt, Kirchen Helfen Kirchen, EOM, IOM UN Migration, partners and authorities who supported us in our endeavour throughout 2022, we provided support for more than 30,000 refugees, helping to welcome the largest influx of refugees in modern Romanian history. But we know that our actions must continue. We need to be here to help those fleeing war to build a life, to integrate”,  stated Elena Timofticiuc, Executive Secretary AIDRom.

Romania has been involved in the humanitarian crisis triggered by the war in the neighboring country from the very beginning, with more than 3.5 million Ukrainians, mostly women and children, transiting through the country, out of which about 100,000 have settled temporarily in our country. AIDRom was among the first organizations to assist Ukrainian refugees since the very beginning of the conflict, assisting around 30.000 Ukrainian refugees. The AIDRom teams were present at the border crossing points with Ukraine in Siret, Isaccea, Sighetul Marmației and Sculeni, in the refugee centers and on the ground, wherever there was and still is a need, providing social, legal and anti-trafficking counselling, medical assistance and assistance in accessing rights. Since the outbreak of the conflict, AIDRom has counselled over 30,000 refugees, provided over 10,000 emergency packages, provided food, hygiene and children’s items for 6,000 refugees, found accommodation, together with the Romanian Orthodox Church, for over 3,000 refugees, provided social counselling for over 9,000 refugees (food parcels, children’s products, social vouchers, hygiene and cleaning products) and legal advice for over 3,000 people, provided medical assistance and vouchers for the purchase of medicines to over 1,000 refugees and helped over 500 people to find a job. The organisation also helped to enrol 200 children in schools and kindergartens in Romania..

MWe thank the journalists present at the event: Digi TV, Trinitas TV.

Un an de război în Ucraina. La Biserica „Parcul Domenii” – Cașin au fost înălţate rugăciuni pentru victime – Basilica.ro[/vc_column_text]

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EoM - Training Constanta

“Public discourse and communication on migration and integration” training

The ”Public discourse and communication on migration and integration” training, organized as part of the ”EoM – Solidarity and Inclusive Communities for Immigrants in Romaniaa” project, contract no. RO2020/ACF-A5_MM_16, brought together representatives of the authorities and the media with the aim of developing communication skills, identifying the fake-news and to carry out accurate information campaigns to inform citizens about migration and refugee integration issues.

The training took place from 30.09 – 02.10.2022, in Constanta and was organized by the Novapolis Association – Center for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, together with Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, the Caraș-Severin County Prefect Institution , and Timiș County Prefect Institution.

The project ”EoM – Solidarity and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania” is run by the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, in partnership with Novapolis Association – The Center for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, Caraș-Severin County Prefect Institution , and Timiș County Prefect Institution, with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund România.  The program is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through 2014-2021 SEE Grants. The duration of the project is 24 months, to be implemented between April 2021 and March 2023.