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The 16th European Asylum Conference, on “Refugee Protection in Europe 2021/22: Breakthrough or Breakdown?” takes place in Warsaw from 17-21 October 2022. The conference is organized by the Polish Ecumenical Council, the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession, CCME – Churches Commission for Migrants in Europe and Diakonie Deutschland.

Romania is represented by delegates of the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania – AIDRom, Ms. Elena Timofticiuc, Executive Secretary, and Ms. Dana Gavril, Project Manager.

During the conference, current topics are debated, such as: the reception of the phenomenon of migration, the formal situation and the legal situation of refugees, the churches’ perspective on the phenomenon of migration and the services for refugees offered by the churches, the current operational situation and the orientation of political-economic interests regarding refugees at the European level, refugee inclusion in host countries, humanitarian aid and the situation of refugees in Ukraine.

The purpose of the conference is to analyse more closely the reception of refugees in Poland and other EU countries, after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022. Also, the conference will examine recent related developments in the political sphere and in civil society from the perspective of the Common European System of Asylum (SECA).