The Secretary of State for Religious Affairs, Mr Ciprian Olinici, met today, 5 October 2023, with the group of representatives of the Churches united in inter-church dialogue and operating under the coordination of AIDRom (Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania). During the meeting, important issues concerning the strengthening of the partnership between the State and the Churches, as well as their important social involvement, were discussed.
AIDRom began its activity in 1991 as a joint effort of the Churches present in the country: the Romanian Orthodox Church, the Reformed Church and the Lutheran Church, in cooperation with Unit IV (Communion and Ministry) of the World Council of Churches. In 1993 it acquired legal status, and in 1994 two other members joined: Evangelical Lutheran Presbyterian Church and the Armenian Orthodox Church.
AIDRom has steadily developed and, in a short time, has become a national platform for ecumenical dialogue and collaboration of Christian Churches in Romania. At the same time, it continued to function as a development agency, processing projects aimed at improving both formal and informal education systems, the social-economic and moral-spiritual situation in the country, as well as environmental protection. The Department for Inter-Christian and Inter-religious Relations, headed by Pr. Gabriel Cazacu, supports the platform for ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, the Ecumenical Commission, prayer for unity, interfaith conferences, ecumenical formation of laity and youth, promotion of diaconal work, and supports the dialogue of members with the authorities.