09:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Strada Ilarie Chendi

09:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Strada Ilarie Chendi

Eyes on Migrants (EoM) – Solidar and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania

We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe


The project run by the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania AIDRom in partnership with the Novapolis Association – Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development, the Timis County Prefect’s Institution and the Caraș – Severin County Institution has promoted active involvement in the issue of migration and refugees for 24 months, encouraging an attitude of acceptance, solidarity and tolerance in the protection of human rights and equal treatment of immigrants, especially asylum seekers and refugees. These aspects were captured in three videos prepared with the help of fellow partners at the Novapolis Centre for Analysis and Initiatives for Development

What is it like to live as an immigrant in Romania? What ”home” means to you?

What it’s like to work as an immigrant in Romania?

CWhat it’s like to study as an immigrant in Romania?

„EoM (Eyes on Migrants) – Solidary and inclusive communities for immigrants in Romania”

The promoter of the EoM project is AIDRom (Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania), and the partners involved in the project are: Novapolis Association – Center for Analyzes and Development Initiatives, The Caraș-Severin County Prefect’s Institution, The Timiș County Prefect’s Institution.

The project is implemented between April 7, 2021 and April 6, 2023.

The project promotes the active involvement in the issue of migration and refugees, encouraging the attitude of acceptance, solidarity, and tolerance in the protection of human rights and in the equal treatment of immigrants, especially asylum seekers and refugees. The project involves working with local communities and carrying out information and awareness campaigns aimed at children and young people and is designed to dismantle prejudices regarding immigration and to improve the integration process of immigrants in Romania.

At the same time, we will promote mechanisms and models of best practices in inter-institutional cooperation and with NGOs, as well as public communication with citizens at the local level in the field of managing and promoting immigration from a human rights perspective, with an emphasis on the inclusion of immigrants and refugees in local communities so that they can be taken over, adapted and implemented in other areas, regions and counties in Romania.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are over 1000 children and young people from educational institutions in Bucharest, Galati, Constanta, Giurgiu, Radauti, and Craiova, 40 teachers, 120 representatives of local and central authorities, as well as of NGOs, migrants’ associations, trade unions and of the private sector, 40 representatives of media institutions and communication departments in public institutions, as well as 20 migrants and intercultural mediators. They will participate in the project activities and will be directly involved in its various stages.

The main objectives of the project are related to raising awareness of the issue of immigrants and promoting an attitude of acceptance, tolerance, and solidarity among the target group and the general public, in order to develop a culture of democracy and respect for human rights for immigrants and refugees. Also, the project is designed to promote mechanisms and models of good practices in inter-institutional cooperation and with the NGO sector as well as public communication at the local level in the field of immigration management. The project also includes the conduct of a study on public discourse, in general, and social media, in particular, in Romania regarding immigration and refugees, which will help to develop the ability to communicate, identify fake news, and building correct information campaigns on migration and integration. The project also provides for increasing the organizational capacity of the Applicant and the Partners by developing transparent and responsible procedures for organizational governance and professional communication.

Visit the Facebook page of the project: facebook.com/Eyesonmigration.

”The project is carried out by the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania AIDRom in partnership with the Novapolis Association – Center for Analyzes and Initiatives for Development, with the Prefect’s Institution of Timiș County and with the Institution of Caraș – Severin County and benefits from funding in the amount of 205,720 Euros, through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021. The content of this website does not necessarily represent the official position of the EEA and Norwegian Grants 2014-2021; for more information go to www.eeagrants.org. Information about Active Citizens Fund Romania is available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.”
