”Fair Guidance – A fair approach to social counselling”
AIDRom was implemented in partnership with TTG team training GmbH from Tubingen, Germany, a strategic partnership project in the framework of the European Commission Erasmsus + funding.
The main purpose of the project is a better integration of disadvantaged people in education, training and access to the labour market through a client-oriented approach to counselling and guidance which takes into account diversity issues.
The project, is implemented over a period of 24 months, starting from November 2015, having as partners non-governmental organizations and public authorities from Germany, Romania and Bulgaria.
Target grops of the project were: students, counsellors, nurses and social workers, staff of religious organisations and churches, counsellors of the public employment and labour system and chambers of commerce, adult education providers. Total number of professionals who will benefit from the project activities was 2000 of persons.
The following activities were carried out for the implementation of the project:
Writing three country reports (Germany, Romania and Bulgaria) on the educational system and possibilities for continuing education and social counselling and guidance in each country.
Compilation of good practices from each country in working with disadvantaged groups.
Development of a training course guide to include a curriculum for teachers (who will in turn train counsellors) and counsellors who will improve their competences in the field of diversity and human rights, quality standards in counselling, mobile strategies to reach disadvantaged groups, career counselling for disadvantaged groups, development of entrepreneurial skills, volunteer work and internships.
Leading organization: TTG team training GmbH ( Germania )
Partner organizations: AIDRom (Romania), AJOFM Galati (Romania), Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sporti Baden-Württemberg (Germania), Multifunctional Philanthropic Association Saint Spiridon (Romania), University of Ruse Angel Kanchev (Bulgaria), TO NA NTS (Bulgaria), Diakonisches Werk der evangelischen Kirche in Württemberg (Germania).
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