09:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Strada Ilarie Chendi

09:00 – 17:00

Monday to Friday

Strada Ilarie Chendi

Integration of foreigners legally residing in Romania INTEG – RO



Byl Integration of foreigners legally residing in Romania INTEG – RO project, the ICAR Foundation and its partner AidRom aim to contribute to the social integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection (BPI) and third-country nationals (RTT) legally residing in Romania by strengthening a regional integration model in line with the requirements of the National Program – Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (PN FAMI).
Deployment Area in
 Romania, Region 3, Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț, and Iași counties, and cities of Rădăuți and Iași
Main Objective
 Contribution to the social integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection and third-country nationals legally residing in Romania by strengthening a regional integration model according to the requirements of the National Program – Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (PN FAMI).
Specific objectives
 Contribution to the integration into Romanian society of beneficiaries of a form of international protection (BPI) from Region 3 (Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties) during the project implementation period.
Contribution to the integration into Romanian society of third-country nationals (TCNs) legally residing in Romania in Region 3 (Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties) during the project implementation period.
Promoting an enabling environment for the integration process by disseminating relevant information and continuing/strengthening the dialogue between all regional actors involved in the integration of migrants in Romania (local authorities and public institutions, NGOs, mediators, migrant communities, volunteers, etc.)
Target groups
The main target groups addressed by the project are:
(a) beneficiaries of a form of protection in Romania (BPI)
(b) third-country nationals legally residing in Romania (RTT)
The services will be offered as a priority to beneficiaries of a form of protection who are in the integration program, to those who have completed the integration program no more than 1 year prior to the granting of these services, as well as to those who for various reasons have not accessed the integration program. Foreigners with a right of residence on Romanian territory will benefit from counseling, information, cultural orientation and Romanian language courses.
Special attention will be paid to the vulnerable persons (identified by social survey) to benefit from services complementary to those offered by state institutions/authorities. These categories of people need support in accessing and successfully completing the integration program, in adjusting to Romanian society and culture, in accessing the various social services to which they are entitled, as they are at high risk of social and economic marginalization.
Direct project beneficiaries:
  • Beneficiaries of international protection (BPI)from Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties, who will benefit from multidisciplinary services adapted for integration into Romanian society
  • Third-country nationals legally residing in Romania (RTT)from Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties, who will benefit from counselling and support for social integration in Romania
  • Representatives of state/local authorities, organizations, mediators, volunteers, and other actors from Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties who will be informed and encouraged to get involved in creating an enabling environment for the integration of BPI and RTT in society.
Indirect beneficiaries of project activities:
  • The entire community of legally residing foreigners in the region
  • The local community in the region where the project activities will take place.
The project will respond to the needs identified at the level of the target group for integration into Romanian society by proposing a complex program of services to support integration in all its aspects (economic, social, cultural, educational, etc.) for BPIs and RTTs in Region 3 (Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași counties), following an individual integration plan tailored to each beneficiary, developed together with representatives of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI), and especially the specialized staff of CRCPSA Rădăuți.
The proposed integration services program will cover the needs of target groups on information and social/legal counselling, vocational and professional guidance, psychological support to overcome difficulties and motivation to participate in the integration programme (for beneficiaries of international protection).
The services will include both individual counselling sessions (social and psychological), information, accompaniment and facilitation of contact with various public or private institutions and the local community, as well as group activities (e.g. Romanian language courses, cultural accommodation sessions, group counselling and life skills courses, socio-recreational activities, etc.)
Support activities for people in the target groups will be based on a case management system, with specific objectives set for each person assisted, agreed measures to achieve them and a timeline for action, constantly monitored and adjusted according to the evolution of the case or context. The program will have the necessary flexibility to allow a friendly and efficient integration process for each person belonging to the target groups.
Also the strengthening of a network of intercultural mediators, through the involvement of mediators trained in previous FAMI funded projects, is vital to accelerate local communities of foreigners in order to facilitate their integration. Some communities of foreigners interact less with state authorities and information sources on public services are difficult to access. In this sense, the presence of intercultural mediators with a high degree of integration in Romanian society, who have a good relationship with the representatives of the community they belong to and who know the Romanian language at a conversational level, will be of real use in achieving the objectives of this project.

